Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Movie Review: ‘Priest’

Last night I had the misfortune of seeing Priest at the movies and I say that because everything I had seen to promote the film led me to believe that it was going to be an entertaining sci-fi action film. What it really turned out to be was an extremely boring, slow-paced snoozefest that had absolutely NOTHING resembling entertainment to offer. I can’t say that Priest was the worst movie I’ve ever seen but I can honestly say that it’s not a movie that I needed at all to see … or will ever want to sit thru again.

Essentially, everything is wrong with his movie … just all of it. The worst part, tho, had to be the writing. The lines that the actors had to deliver was just so terrible I had to keep myself from laughing out loud thruout the entire movie. The second worst part was the acting. Cam Giganet was such a joke, I couldn’t take anything he did in this movie seriously. Paul Bettany, the star, was OK but even he struggled … the movie is so bad that he really didn’t have anything to work with. For a vampire film, Priest was not scary or even tense. For an action film, the fight scenes were pretty much nonexistent. For a sci-fi film, the FX were just lame. It really sucks when you see a movie that you think is going to be good and all you get is boring drivel. I am familiar with the Priest graphic novel and I have to say, this film does that story a huge disservice. I cannot recommend that anyone waste their time with this film. If you are curious, wait til it comes out on Netflix or cable so you can watch it for free. At least then, the only thing you have to lose is your time.

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