Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A New Superman Movie To Hit The Big Screen

It has only been a few years since the release of Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns, but already a new Superman movie is in pre-production. It is not a sequel to that last production, but instead has decided to re-invent the series from the beginning, with a new cast, director and outlook.

Superman was created by the American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian artist Joe Shuster in 1932 and is largely responsible for creating the superhero genre. It was not long before the comic strip took off and soon there was a radio show based on the comic strip too. The character has also had a long history with the cinema, first appearing as an animated series in 1941, featuring the voice artists from the radio show, and then in a serialized short series with Kirk Alyn in the lead role from 1948.

More animated shows, comics and books would follow over the next three decades, there was even a musical on Broadway, and then in 1978 Richard Donner directed Christopher Reeve in the title role as Superman returned to the big screen. This movie was followed by three more sequels with Reeve, though number 3 and 4 were not really related to the first two movies. Television became the home for the Man of Steel, in the form of series like Lois and Clark and the more recent Smallville. But in 2006 Bryan Singer was convinced to return to Metropolis.

And that was the above mentioned Bryan Singer film, which almost followed on where the original two Christopher Reeve movies ended. Brandon Routh, a relative unknown was cast as the Man of Steel, with Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane and Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. Despite excellent reviews and even a few awards, the box office returns disappointed the studios.

Now it is the turn of British actor Henry Cavill to play the Man of Steel and his alter ego, Clark Kent. Cavill is another who is not very well known, but he is very respected by those who do. He has caught the public attention’s playing Charles Brandon in the series, The Tudors, and has also had parts in a number of other movies.

But he has been on the verge of stardom for a few years now and was even considered for the earlier Bryan Singer movie. Other rumors were that he was considered as Batman and James Bond before Christian Bale and Daniel Craig got their roles respectively, and he was also Stephanie Meyer’s first choice for Twilight, but was too old when filming began.

Amy Adams, best known for her roles in The Fighter and Enchanted, will play reporter Lois Lane, the role originally made famous by Margot Kidder. Playing the Kents are two of Hollywood’s top stars over the past two decades, with Kevin Costner and Diane Lane filling the roles. At this point most other actors have not been named, and these secrets are being kept under wraps until closer to the release date.

Directing this version, known as Superman: Man of Steel is acclaimed director, Zack Snyder. Best known for his work on Watchmen, 300 and the recent Sucker Punch, Snyder excels in action movies and enjoys stylizing his compositions and colors. Writing the script is another highly rated Hollywood name, David S. Goyer. His credits include the Blade movies, and of course the two new Batman movies, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.

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